


How Much Stone Veneer Do You Need To Buy for Your Home?

How Much Stone Veneer Do You Need To Buy for Your Home?

When decorating your home with stone veneer, it’s important to understand how much is required to get the job done. While there are instances where the number changes based on what you want, getting a rough estimate is also a good place to start when you aren’t completely sure. Finding out how much stone veneer you need to buy for your home is recommended before getting started on a big project.

Consider the Areas You’re Covering

When constructing the basic measurements for the veneer you plan on using for your home, it’s good to know how far you want to go. Some people are satisfied with a simple façade along the path to their home. Others aim for bigger projects, such as replacing their current siding with a stone veneer. Regardless of whether or not you plan on expanding, it’s good to measure for anything within the realm of possibility for your home.

Account for Obstacles

Measuring is easy enough, but it’s important to account for any obstacles to the structures you are adding to. It’s best to remove windows and doorways from overall measurements to avoid a surplus of stone veneer. If there are any holes or unique obstacles on other structures, it’s sometimes best to play it by ear depending on how you want it to look in the end.

Measure the Number of Corners

Corner pieces are unique parts for stone veneers and are best isolated within your considerations and measurements. Whereas flat stones are measured by the square foot (length x width), corner stones are measured by the linear foot (length only). Simply measure the height of each corner in your project, and then add them up for the total linear footage.

Stone veneers are an excellent addition to your property. While some work is involved when installing it yourself, it is not impossible and relies on persistence and time. To help get it right on the first try, it’s good to know how much stone veneer you need to buy for your home. Avoiding getting stuck with too many materials after installation helps save money and keeps things accurate for the project.